Every Silent Thing

Every Silent Thing…A Brief Synopsis

Claire Deveraux, born deaf, visits the Louvre in Paris to photograph certain exhibits. While there, she observes a man go in a women’s restroom. A short time later, he rushes out. Curious, she enters the restroom and finds a woman dying from a gunshot wound. She lip-reads the woman’s last words. L’homme and Champagne. Unbeknownst to Claire, the woman secreted a thumbdrive into her pocket. Certain Claire knows the words and possesses the thumbdrive, the killer goes on the hunt for her.

During a visit to the Eiffel Tower, Claire discovers that the two words uttered by the dying woman referred to the bartender at a champagne bar on the Tower’s summit. An envelope and a key he gives her lead her to recover a briefcase of Euros. She hands the briefcase over to the police. A year later, Claire is reunited with her twin sister Megan, who is now a nun in Luxembourg. Claire leaves the reunion vowing to visit her often and check for vacancies at the Embassy there.

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Neon Lights and Plane Tickets

Neon Lights and Plane Tickets: Sci-Fi Poetic Prose Collection…A Brief Synopsis

Neon Lights and Plane Tickets is a sci-fi-themed collection of poetic prose, featuring tales of cosmic horror and galactic urban legends. Explore lush and vibrant cities across the universe, the terrifying creatures they hide; as well as their inhabitants’ adventures (or misadventures, as the case may be). Bright neon lights and illusions of technological advancement are fine distractions to keep their rotting societies hidden within their foundations-reflections on the intricacies of human nature.

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Stella and Shell

Stella and Shell…A Brief Synopsis

Stella is a large mastiff mutt with white stripe on her head and four white tipped paws.  Stella and her family move to a new house with lots of space to run free and play by the river’s edge. The only thing Stella doesn’t have at her new house is friends.  She desperately tries to make friends with the local animals, but no one will play with her.

Readers will be happily surprised to find that Stella’s new friend was right under her nose all along.

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Travels and Tribulations

Travels and Tribulations…A Brief Synopsis

In the spring of 2020, Tyrel Nelson lost his mother. And he lost his job in the summer. Isolated by the pandemic and hamstrung by agony, he felt forgotten by the world as it marched on. Unhappy, uneasy, and unemployed, he began picking himself up by putting down his thoughts on a yellow legal pad.

Battling through his bereavement on paper proved to be cathartic. But he needed more – a writing project he could sink his grief into. So he sorted through many of the narratives he had composed over the last dozen years. Reflecting and reexamining his existence, Tyrel brainstormed what to do with the pieces which pulled at him the most. A compilation describing significant individuals, places, and moments during the past decade-plus started to take shape.

“Travels and Tribulations” is an emotional collection of vignettes, which commences in 2008 and concludes in 2020. While readers follow him on excursions in North, Central, and South America, they also accompany Nelson to the peaks and valleys of his personal life. Profoundly impacted by the deaths of both his parents, the author guides the audience through his anguish, depicting reminiscences and regrets as he openly tries to make sense of everything.

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Regaining Paradise

Regaining Paradise…A Brief Synopsis

Human greed and the need to dominate have moved the Doomsday clock ever-closer to midnight, the point where the world will be on the razor-thin edge of destruction. Despite it all, many of us are still searching to fill an inner emptiness. The worldview that’s described in Paul Corson’s Regaining Paradise responds to that emptiness and more. This worldview was inspired by three vision experiences that have been found credible by Gregory Alles, a former chairman of the Philosophy and Religious Studies Department at Western Maryland College and Sister Margaret McKenna with a PhD in divinity from the University of Pennsylvania The Sister called Corson a “modern-day prophet.”

Using reason and science as its basis, the book addresses the Big Questions that have bedeviled thinkers since the earliest times: What happens to us at death? What is heaven like? What is the basis for the reward or retribution that will be meted when we pass on? And the question of questions: what is the source of God’s creative powers? Gaining knowledge of this ultimate question enlightens readers so they understand who they truly are:  this knowledge is the lynchpin which provides the answers to the other big questions. This knowledge was provided to Corson in a vision that is developed systematically over the course of the book. Moved by this knowledge, readers can enter the mind state of Paradise we experienced at birth. We find inner peace and fulfillment, leading us to nurture Earth and others.

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A Time for Murder

Murder, She Wrote: A Time for Murder…A Brief Synopsis

In the fiftieth entry in this USA Today bestselling series, two timelines converge as Jessica Fletcher returns to high school to investigate the murder of an old colleague, while we meet Jessica as a young teacher solving her very first murder…

Young Jessica Fletcher’s life couldn’t be more ordinary. She teaches at the local high school while she and her loving husband, Frank, are raising their nephew Grady together. But when the beloved principal dies under mysterious circumstances, Jessica knows something is off and, for the very first time, investigates a death.

Present-day Jessica returns to high school for a colleague’s retirement party and has fun seeing familiar faces. That is, until the colleague winds up dead–and his death has mysterious links to Jessica’s very first murder case.

With nothing but her own instincts to guide her, Jessica embarks on a quest to find out what really happened all those years ago and who’s behind these murders. Because time is running out to catch this killer….

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The Secrets of Living a Fantastic Life

The Secrets of Living a Fantastic Life…A Brief Synopsis

The authors’ individual lives were nearly destroyed by cataclysmic life events. But like steal is forged by fire, they were not destroyed but used these events to become stronger…”From tragic to magic,” says Harriet Tinka.

And in the process, they discovered “The Secrets to Living A Fantastic Life.” They discovered 13 metaphorical Golden Pearls of wisdom to make a fantastic life. And you can have a fantastic life, too, without the hardship they have gone through.

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Enough to Make the Angels Weep

Enough to Make the Angels Weep…A Brief Synopsis

Hired to investigate the murder of an 84-year-old widow, P.I. Joe Coopersmith hits one dead end after another in his search for leads. With few clues and no suspects, he nearly gives up until he uncovers a connection to a bizarre plot to kill the descendants of Irish soldiers who fought for Mexico during the Mexican-American War. Known as San Patricios, they belonged to the St. Patrick’s Battalion, an elite Mexican unit composed mostly of Irish immigrants. When a well-preserved diary of an Irish soldier turns up, Coopersmith knows he’s on the right track. He digs deeper into the plot, soon learning the identity of the man behind it and his warped motive for the cold-blooded murder of the elderly widow.

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Still the Night Call

Still the Night Call…A Brief Synopsis

STILL THE NIGHT CALL is about Calem Dewayne Honeycutt, a thirty-two- year-old Missouri dairy farmer of few words. But just because he’s quiet doesn’t mean he’s simple. In fact, Calem’s internal voice eloquently leads us through his wondrous yet tortured past, his fears for the future of his beleaguered rural world, and his carefully laid plans to remedy the vicious Night Call that haunts his present. All he has to do is get through one last day on the farm, then he can free himself of being a straight, white, middle-aged man with nothing in his possession but a gun and a prayer. Through the eyes of Calem, STILL THE NIGHT CALL delves into the quickly diminishing world of Midwestern farmers whose livelihoods have become fodder for politicians and trade wars while their traditional values have become the subject of scorn and culture wars. The result is a struggling working class whose worth has been reduced to mirthless caricatures and economic dust, and who are desperately looking for hope anywhere they might find it.

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Hat Trick

Hat Trick…A Brief Synopsis

– ONE SHOE BLUES . . . A Maximo Morgan Mystery in which it appears that foreign powers-that-be are attempting to get their mitts on a technological breakthrough with potential to knock the world’s socks off.

– PRANKENSTEIN MONSTER . . . A Maximo Morgan Mystery in which the girlfriend and best friend of a soldier reportedly killed in Afghanistan are haunted by an uninvited  Halloween party guest in costume reeking of embalming fluid.

– HAM FOR THE HOLIDAYS . . . A Maximo Morgan Mystery in which Max is thrown for a loop by personal involvement in a case of life imitating dramatization of murder most foul by Shakespeare.
. . . Three, count ’em, THREE Maximo Mysteries in one.

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