The Anomalous Isle

Anomalous Isle by Jerome Echelbarger

Reviewed by Michaela Gordoni

In Jerome Echelbarger’s latest foray into the world of teen and young adult fiction, readers are swept into a mysterious island that almost seems to be in another universe. The Anomalous Isle serves as a sanctuary for those whom society might deem ugly or different. Only the beautiful Dalisay, a thirteen-year-old born on the island known as “The Princess,” is free from outward imperfections. But her footsteps do glow—a perk of being isle born.  Purchase Here.

The anomalies residing on the island can only depart its confines and visit Earth by passing through the enigmatic Tree Curtain, a portal unlocked by a special speckled acorn. Upon arriving on the other side, their appearances undergo a transformation as they take part in the great Grand Anomaly circus. But when Dalisay makes the rebellious decision to go with the others one eventful day, it sends ripples through the fabric of the island—literally. It triggers a chain reaction of events that involves the island’s inhabitants and outsiders from an orphanage as well. As the safety of the isle hangs in the balance, it becomes clear that a collective effort will be required to
restore order and stability.

This creative tale is very unusual and adventurous. Echelbarger has taken a unique concept and woven it into a fantasy full of interesting characters, each with their own differences and personalities. There is no single character in focus, and to add another interesting layer, the story is set in the mid-1950s. This is somewhat enticing, as it draws readers into a world on the cusp of change and exploration. The story contains a few twists and turns and even ends on a cliffhanger, leading the reader to think that something much bigger than the Anomalous Isle is out there.

Echelbarger has made the isle of misfits feel both alien and palpably real at the same time with its neon green sun, enigmatic black and white lion-type creatures, and purple water pulsing through its tropical veins. Although there’s nothing described in graphic detail, the book does lightly deal with elements of death and injury. It’s very fast-paced and contains suspenseful moments where characters must run from captors, savage beasts, and the like, making it appropriate for young teens and upwards. In a pleasant round-about sort of way, The Anomalous Isle also imparts a timeless lesson on the significance of inner qualities. It is not one’s outside appearance that is significant, but what’s inside. One’s true worth lies in how one behaves and treats others.

Overall, this is a quick, enjoyable read for anyone who likes a good adventure fantasy with a unique concept. It is altogether compelling, creative, and immersive — an inviting journey of thrills and discovery.

The Jake Matthews Saga:  Ascension

The Jake Matthews Saga: Ascension by Josiah Akatab

Reviewed by Lisa Brown-Gilbert

A winning amalgamation of fantasy, science fiction, action, and adventure, author Josiah Akhtab’s, Jake Mathews Saga: Ascension, brings to life the evolution of a superhero of legendary proportions. As book one of an intended series, this work makes for a great introduction to the imaginative world characters and creatures that inhabit this epic tale.  Purchase Here.

At the story’s outset, central character Jake Matthews comes into focus, He is young, and intensely intelligent. Starting out he is a seemingly bored teenager, and at fourteen years old has no real direction nor believes he has a true purpose in life. And to top it all off he is blind. In fact, he has a type of blindness called eagle-eyed blindness, which when applied within the paradigm of this saga means he sees shadows. But much to his credit his visual impairment does not seem to hamper his existence as much as it would others. As it turns out his other senses are amplified, as well as burgeoning ones such as the ability to detect electromagnetic fields, giving him the ability to maneuver through life as a blind person with exceptional prowess. And, little does Jake know, he has a destiny that is much bigger and more important than he could ever realize.

Meanwhile, is a story abundant with adventure as Jake finds himself transported to the unreal world of Figueroa located in the eighth dimension. There he comes to learn of his true destiny and that he does have a true purpose in life. As Jake trains he grows in super-powered skills overcoming the many challenges on the path to his destiny. Defeating many opponents along the way, he soon proves a worthy opponent to some and a hero to many. Ultimately, the scope of this story expands and entangles two worlds; the fantastical world of Figueroa where he grows as a young man, a hero and becomes the ruler, and earth, where he is also destined to be a hero of epic proportions.

Altogether, Jake Matthews Saga: Ascension by author, Josiah Akhtab was an overall enjoyment to read. I found this to be an engaging fantasy-based coming-of-age novel. From the story’s outset, I was engaged by this well told story brimming with plenty of action–packed super-powered fighting scenes, multi-dimensional heroics, and fantastical adventures set in intriguing worlds. For me, this book turned out to be a worthwhile read that I would definitely recommend especially to readers intrigued by fantasy and science fiction sagas.



Immortal by Josiah Akhtab

Reviewed by Daniel Ryan Johnson

If you have ever imagined a postapocalyptic diaspora of humanity to worlds unknown accompanied by vampires, immortals, and other supernatural beings, Josiah Akhtab answers all your questions in Immortal. Packed to the brim with action and intrigue, this page-turner is hard to put down.  Purchase Here.

The novel centers around Brandon and Ellie, partners working for the immortal Vanguard at the Porting City Detective and Vampire Hunting Agency on planet Vayne. While the story builds slowly at first, once the action gets going, it is a non-stop action-packed thriller that never lets up until you hit the back cover of the book. With vivid fight scenes and an endless supply of baddies, our protagonists’ adventures take them from rooftops high above the cities of planet Vayne deep down into the sewers.

Immortal is filled with mystery, grand plans of world domination, quests for vengeance, and plenty of gore. The characters in the book are intriguing, and discovering the various motivations behind their actions pushes the story forward and keeps the reader glued to the page.

Josiah Akhtab’s novel is not for those with an aversion to violence, as the fight scenes in the book are vivid and plentiful. While action of this level can be hard to capture in writing, the author paints a clear and thorough picture that transports you to the scene and makes you feel like you are dishing out the hits and taking them yourself.

Immortal certainly isn’t lacking in originality. While the book contains many well-known creatures and staples of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres, Mr. Akhtab combines them in new ways and provides plenty of unique ideas to make what could be a predictable story in the hands of a less imaginative writer a captivating and surprising tale that leaves the reader guessing. Around halfway through the book, it becomes clear that there is more story to tell than can be contained in the pages that remain, and when you reach the final period, you will be anxious to get your hands on the next book in this expansive epic.

Wyndona's Cloak

Wyndano’s Cloak: A Tale of Magic and High Adventure by A.R. Silverberry

Book reviewed by Chris Phillips

Silverberry’s debut novel is a surprising fantasy. There are all the classic elements. There is a headstrong and determined young heroine. There are the enemies and friends. As with any good book there are friends that turn dangerous and become enemies or almost. Then there are some that appear to be enemies but are really friends in disguise.  Purchase Here.

Since Jen’s early life she has been apart from her family, living in another world rejected and so different. She returned after the last battle with Naryfel, her evil aunt and queen of another rival kingdom. Now she has settled with her family and they are at peace. Her father the King is in the Rose Castle and the land of Aerdem is at peace. However, Jen has an uneasy feeling that her aunt Naryfel is planning to take over the kingdom yet again. Jen is always on alert and always watching for the surprise attack.

Leading the supporting characters is Bit, the young fiancée of Jen’s brother Dash. There is Pet, a Countess the same age as Jen, who is a friend, but there must be something else going on. There is Yalp the dwarf magician whose magic sometimes works and sometimes works too well and, of course, sometimes doesn’t work at all. The attack comes in the night. All seems to be lost when Jen and Bit take off on different quests to save the King and Dash from certain death. Wyndano’s Cloak is magical with very special powers, but Jen was hurt severely when she tried to use it. However she knows that the cloak is the key to saving the kingdom.

Will Jen find the cloak in time? Will the cloak be found at all? Will Bit and Dash wed? Will the King and kingdom be saved? Will Naryfel win the day? Will good triumph? Will anyone survive? Give Silverberry and Jen the chance to win the reader’s heart and spend some time learning the secrets of Wyndano’s Cloak.

The plot has sufficient twists and turns to keep the reader’s interest. The characters are solid and fully developed. The mysteries and surprises grab the reader’s attention and send the imagination scurrying. This is a delightful book and can be highly recommended.

This book is best for young adults and pre-teens. It would be good for their parents and teachers as well.

5 Stars
Published by Tree Tunnel Press, PO Cox 733, Capitola, Ca 95010 […] Reviewer received the book from the publisher.

Kahuna - Tampa Bay

Kahuna: Vol. 1 – Tampa Bay by Brent A. Phillips

Book Reviewed by Daniel Ryan Johnson

KAHUNA: Vol 1. – Tampa Bay is not your typical supernatural beings fantasy book. While the story does feature some of the usual suspects, like vampires and witches, these characters appear in supporting roles. Meanwhile, the protagonist of the story is a water-manipulating kahuna, and many of the supporting players in his world are equally unique “supernatties” that don’t live among the pages of your average fantasy novel.  Purchase Here.

Author Brent A. Phillips dives deep down into the imagination to create a world filled with unique characters. It is a refreshing take on a genre that can often feel overplayed. With terrific character development, you can easily get drawn into the lives of this diverse group. KAHUNA grips you from the start and makes you interested to discover what new creation lies around the next page.

Phillips tends to keep things light even when the darkness approaches. Humor weaves throughout the book despite the dangers constantly confronting our lead character Vox Montague. Sex, violence, alcohol, culinary delights, sports rivalries, and a diehard devotion to the ones he loves are the driving forces behind this likable lead.

The water-wielding kahuna plumber is tasked with keeping the peace among all supernatural beings in Tampa Bay and the surrounding Florida area. However, despite having the two full-time jobs of peacekeeper and plumber, he still finds plenty of time to drink his way into trouble and let his sexual appetites take the wheel more often than they should.

KAHUNA is an easy read that can be hard to put down. As the nefarious activity of supernatties continues to heat up in Tampa Bay, you can easily get swept along as Vox battles his way up the baddie food chain while attempting to uncover a plot that threatens the city and deeply affects the people closest to him.

Phillips succeeds in keeping the reader eager for more up to and including over the final page. The story is fast-paced, and the action and suspense continue to build with every sentence. Once you have finished the book, you will be champing at the bit to get your hands on KAHUNA Vol 2. Hawaii.

Season of the Dragon

Season of the Dragon (Dragos Primeri Book 1) by Natalie Wright

Book Reviewed by Timea Barabas

Natalie Wright’s Season of the Dragon opens up the Dragos Primeri series in a mystical storm. Using familiar elements like dragons and shapeshifters, the author succeeds in building a unique and complex world that easily takes root in the reader’s mind.  Purchase Here.

Following the life of Quen, a young girl born under a curse or blessing – a simple matter of perspective – we embark on a journey of magical self-discovery. Since she was a child, Quen was different from the other children, more agile, faster, and stronger. However, what set her apart most was her differently colored eyes, flaming red and calm blue.

A misfit, Quen tries to suppress her unnatural abilities in hopes of social acceptance. Yet, she continues lingering as an outcast until the day an ominous visitor comes to claim her. That visit sets in motion a series of events that lead to the destruction of her home and deeply scar her family.

Quen promises to seek revenge for the loss and destruction the dragon inflicted on her settlement and loved ones. Thus, she sets off with a group of diverse misfits to find and destroy the fire-breathing dragon and his rider.

Her quest for revenge is deeply intertwined with self-discovery, as her true identity is at the center of everything. All her life, she tried keeping her shadow soul at bay, but the ancient voice gradually awakens and bubbles over in her conscious mind. As the duality within her asserts itself more and more, the possibility of an ongoing harmonious co-existence weighs heavy on Quen.

Walking in the shadow of prophecy, Quen tries to break free of the shackles set by ancient words. Natalie Wright makes her personal quest our own as we uncover a layered and disjointed social system of magic, politics, and religion.

While Season of the Dragon is aimed primarily at a young adult audience, it is a mesmerizing read for adults as well. Natalie Wright’s world-building skills, together with her astute psychological and social observations, weave a compelling and multi-layered story.

Archangel:  The Book of Mammon

Archangel: The Book of Mammon by Black Mike

Book Reviewed by Chris Phillips

Title of the review, where appropriate. Questions, answers and the trouble in between.

Black Mike presents a major conceptual change for beings that might be called angels and demons. The story follows Michael, a law enforcement agent with an unidentified agency seeking out terrorists and related organizations. He is also an orphan who grew up from a very sketchy background of family. Another active character is Sara who is a detective with the local police force. Then the third person heavily involved is Michael’s sister, Hannah. The plot revolves first around Michael truly discovering who and what his place in this universe is, Sara and her relationship with Michael and, at last, Hannah and where she is and how does she fit with the crimes and questions Michael and Sara have for her about her activities and motivations.  Purchase Here.

The first scene is an undercover surveillance situation where Michael is trying to catch a terrorist who is trying to buy arms from illegal arms dealers. He finds the suspect and gives chase. Bright lights, supernatural beings and trips across the veil between worlds leave him completely blown away. Then Sara and he are introduced, and they begin a partnership that deepens as they each learn about these two-world existence.

These two worlds exist simultaneously and intertwined with each other. There are many gifts and magic as well as powers and principals in one or the other world. This is the whole point of the plot. To all questions there are answers, and the answers are big and little. Finally, when all is said and done the questions are more important than the real actions taken, and the answers all lead to more questions as the tale spins on.

In general, the plot is convoluted and complex in the extreme. The reader is only revealed answers as they are discovered by the characters in the telling of the tale. And, although the characters are well-developed and very realistic, their interconnections keep changing and morphing into something much more as the tale spins onward.

There is both depth and development of the characters and the plot, with many twists and turns. The length of the book is very much required to cover all the convolutions, so there is little frivolous content even though it sometimes appears differently.  The twists and turns follow the questions, the answers and the revelations that each of the characters discovers.

The original concepts and the way that the battles between good and evil develop are frustrating not only for the characters within the storyline, but for the reader as well, until suddenly another epiphany arises opening understanding and making for a very satisfying means of story development.

Although Black Mike has some very original ideas and some different constructs to develop the plot, he does so with a sensitivity to the “people” involved.

This is highly recommended for those who like supernatural plots, mysteries, or battles between good and evil. This is a quality novel, good for any reader with the maturity to deal with life and death as well as those many gray areas in living in the real world.

The reviewer recommends this book.   This is a great beginning for the first read by this author and the beginning of a good series here.

Ever the Night Road

Ever the Night Road by Michael Breen

Book Reviewed by Timea Barabas

Ever the Night Road is a thrilling tale of adventure and self-discovery. Michael Breen introduces us to a vast magical universe filled with wonderous creatures and treasures lurking in deep waters. Perhaps the most enchanting aspect of the book is that it is on the threshold of childish naivety and worldliness.  Purchase here.


This is a story about the many forms of loss and the innate human need to fill the gaping void left behind. Dagny is an orphaned child who was taken in by her brother’s best friend and welcomed as a member of their family. She is raised on tales of exploration and discovery, daydreaming of her own adventures. On a day like any other, child’s play seamlessly transitioned into a fight for survival.


Join Dagny through her awakening to the dangers of the world. Amidst mystical creatures and phantasms, the most dangerous being is man. As Dagny explores abandoned lands, degenerate cities, and drowned worlds, she faces myriad dangers. While Ever the Night Road follows a group of teenagers and children, this is not a tale of mercy. The characters are exposed to palpable physical pain and suffering.


Michael Breen opens our eyes to the contagious quality of courage and the force of small acts of kindness. While strongly independent, Dagny taps into hidden powers when joining forces with her friends. It is these friendships and her small deeds of kindness that shelter her from the heavy dark veil of fatal danger.


This coming-of-age adventure story mesmerizes the reader on multiple levels. The story has a melodic rhythm for its unfolding. The author also takes his time to paint the atmosphere and the characters’ inner states and have the reader inhale these two worlds. Furthermore, Michael Breen shows great skill in character development. He explores the hidden motivations of individuals while factoring in the influence of external societal forces.


Ever the Night Road explores the mystical darkness of the human soul and the breaking of light as rays of hope and love pierce through the darkness. After peering into the magical realms, lively slums, and cheerful settlements outlined by the author, resisting the call of adventure becomes futile.

The First Assignment

The First Assignment by Billy Kramer

Book reviewed by Timea Barabas

What happens after death? This is one of the greatest questions. While there are numerous theories and visions of the afterlife, there seems to be no absolute universal certainty of what lies beyond. Billy Kramer joins the ranks of wonderers by offering a cohesive and immersive narrative of the afterlife and life in The First AssignmentPurchase Here.

This young adult fantasy novel opens the gates to a gripping tale of self-discovery, becoming, and the interconnectivity between people. The tale, characters, and events evoke a strange familiarity in the reader. Some elements seem like a distant memory lost in the fog of time or a dream that dissipates at first light.

The First Assignment centers on life after death following the experiences of seventeen-year-old Shawn Turner. After waking up under strange circumstances, Shawn finds himself transported to a brave old world. Alone among strangers, his survival instincts kick in while he tries to understand his new reality.

Shawn is just one of many recently deceased who were chosen to join Wayward Academy. An academy of the dead in service of the living. This complex institution is a learning center, work center, and living space for those enrolled. While reapers seem to take the center stage, this is merely one of the groups that animate the space.

Bombarded with new experiences and concepts, pulled down by the weight of the unknown, Shawn soon finds comfort in the familiarity of new friendships. He soon builds a connection with a few other first-year students at the WA. Through shared experiences, whispered secrets, and knowing glances, Shawn begins to gain strength.

After being subjected to a series of intellectually, emotionally, and physically challenging tests, the new students are assigned to their respective jobs. Then, Shawn receives his first assignment. Waiting for someone to die offers Shawn ample space for introspection. Bound by strict regulations and under supervision, he sees a glimmer of hope to break through the chains and make a difference. However, taking this path would mean silencing his survival instinct.

Billy Kramer creates a magical universe caught in a mystical realm somewhere between life and darkness. The First Assignment builds the foundation of a new worldview that invites further expansion. While Book 1 may be finished, Book 2 lingers on the horizon.


Monsters are Babies

Monsters are Afraid of Babies by Nicholas Tana

Reviewed by Teri Davis

Living in a home with a big brother can be difficult. The older sibling expects a playmate who obeys their older sibling. There is usually a disappointment when the baby does not fulfill this role. Instead, the family member is a screaming, messy, smelly creature who demands all of the attention. The parents now are more tired and cranky than before the baby appeared. Resentment is common. Purchase Here.

Now someone brilliantly discovered a way to enjoy the babies for older siblings. The baby keeps all the monsters and things that make noise in the dark away. With quiet nights, a cry frequently annoys everyone in the household. What if those screams scare away all the monsters hiding either in the closet or under the bed?

Wouldn’t you almost welcome those loud noises to cover the usual thumps and bumps in every house? What sounds are unnoticeable during the day, seem to draw attention at night. From a dripping water faucet to the warmth of a furnace, clicking to turn on the night seems mysterious with noises. Due to natural occurrences, monsters hiding in the dark crevices are believed to be creating the sounds of those creaks and bumps in the night. They hide under beds and in dark closets. This reality has been a problem for eons. Darkness and house sounds scare small children, especially ones who don’t fall asleep quickly. Young children tend to believe in monsters making the noise of a furnace clicking on or a clock ticking. Can you imagine the response to a baby’s cry when being abruptly awakened in the dark?

Monsters Are Afraid of Babies is an enchanting story about a young boy adjusting daily to a baby sister into a family. The few words along with a story that perfectly matches the illustrations makes this an intriguing read for children of all ages, particularly three-year olds. The book is perfect for pre-readers because the story can be easily followed through the colorful pictures. Author, Nicholas Tana is a writer in every sense. From writing feature documentaries, comedy-horror series, songs, comic books, a movie, commercials, and now this special children’s book. The illustrations are phenomenal. The night with shades of blue and olive green is perfect with the monsters colorfully hiding in the closet. The warmth of family love penetrates each page enriching everyone’s lives.