Consciousness is All there Is

Consciousness Is All There Is: How Understanding and Experiencing Consciousness Will Transform Your Life by Dr. Tony Nader

Reviewed by Lisa Brown-Gilbert

We are beset in a world that is swiftly spiraling into becoming a world populated by people who are devoid of spiritual, physical and moral wellness leading to many of us experiencing life as often chaotic and disheartening.  Purchase Here.

Meanwhile, offering another way of approaching life which is sure to lead to a happier and more balanced existence, is an empowering text by award-wining author, and expert on Vedic Knowledge, Dr. Tony Nader, titled, Consciousness Is All There Is: How Understanding and Experiencing Consciousness Will Transform Your Life.

As a matter of fact, within this book Dr, Nader shares a work of great scholarship and wisdom.  This is a text brimming with eye opening, mind altering, information and would be best defined as the blueprint necessary for understanding, creating and living one’s best life. Divided into five sections this tome of learned stature includes deep explorations of the aspects of consciousness through the following general scopes including the topics of; What is Consciousness, The Consciousness Paradigm, Higher States of Consciousness, Technologies of Consciousness and Implications for Human flourishing.

Moreover, within this work is a wellspring of pertinent information necessary for the approach towards transcendence.  Each section dutifully presents a well written compilation of thoroughly detailed sub-topics of consciousness, including elements of modern science, philosophy and Vedic wisdom. A profound teacher, Dr. Nader delves into complex transcendent subjects with a relatable but scholarly approach, including but not limited to; the four states of consciousness, king sleeping, dreaming, the brain as a transducer of consciousness, the consciousness of animals, plants and computers, and transcendental consciousness all of which work towards fomenting the steps to a radical departure from the normative mindset of reality which is that the brain creates consciousness, to realizing that, in reality the opposite is the case where consciousness is the basis for everything in life and creates reality.

Ultimately, Consciousness Is All There Is: How Understanding and Experiencing Consciousness Will Transform Your Life by Dr. Tony Nader, made for a phenomenal read.  This is a large compendium of knowledge which leaves an indelible impression on the psyche, chock full of extensive detail, simple meditative exercises and pertinent illustrations and diagrams. This was not just an average read that one can peruse through.  In fact, it is a thesis meant to be savored and studied because what it ultimately offers is divine guidance, not only to those curious minds but to those dedicated to transcending into a better life a better life. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to read this dynamic book as it has guided me into expanding my awareness of wellness through a higher state of being and my comprehension of reality, as well as my spiritual knowledge base. I enjoyed this book and highly recommend reading it.  I look forward to exploring Dr. Nader’s other scholarly works.





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