Code Name:  Juggernaut

Code Name: Juggernaut by Sherman E. Ross

Book Reviewed by Dianne Woodman

Code Name: Juggernaut by Sherman E. Ross is a hair-raising story. It revolves around white supremacists who commit deplorable acts of violence and square off with law enforcement agencies.  Purchase Here.

The primary instigators behind gut-wrenching atrocities are Jacqueline “Jackie” Lynch and Howard Brennan. Jackie is a hired assassin with ties to a white supremacist gang that extols Adolf Hitler’s ideologies. The gang members hold on like bulldogs to an extreme hatred of “mud races,” especially Afro-Americans and people of Jewish heritage. Howard Brennan, a top dog in the gang, has devised a plan to destroy the government and throw the country into utter chaos, with the end result of a populace comprised of only pure “Aryan” blood.

A thorn in the side of the white supremacists is FBI Special Agent Douglas Rabson, a member of the Bureau’s Domestic Counter-Terrorism Strike Force. Rabson is the lead coordinator for investigations into activities that point to Jackie and her accomplices as the ones behind vicious killings and the theft of nuclear materials.

Concurrent investigations by multiple law enforcement agencies have gotten underway to try and put an end to what is considered domestic terrorist acts. As Rabson’s investigation continues, he suspects the terrorists are planning to build an atomic bomb. It becomes a deadly cat-and-mouse game between law enforcement and the white supremacists who allow racial hatred to be the cornerstone of their beliefs. Are the terrorists building a bomb, and what is their intended target if they do? Can law enforcement officers stop the terrorists before it is too late?

Code Name: Juggernaut is jam-packed with action, conflict, tension, and suspense. It includes professional hits, graphic descriptions of sadistic murders, elements of white supremacists’ ideologies and the motives behind their death-dealing acts, malicious harassment, and high-risk confrontations.

Ross grabs readers’ attention from the start and keeps them engrossed all the way to the end as they follow in the footsteps of white supremacists and law enforcement personnel. The story’s action takes place in four states in the United States, including California, Washington, DC, Utah, and Colorado. Profanity used in the story fits the novel’s characters and tone. Ross is well-versed in scientific research, making the details pertaining to an atomic bomb credible.

Juggernaut is an emotionally impactful story that gives readers a bird’s eye view into the ideology behind racial violence and animosity toward government institutions, along with the challenges law enforcement personnel face to track down violent criminals who have no remorse for their actions.

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