Cargo Hold 4

Cargo Hold 4…A Brief Synopsis

Five years into a multi-decade deep space mission, a team of eight scientists—four women, four men—explore a dwarf planet near the Kuiper Belt, loading soil samples, rocks and artifacts onto their spaceship, Gretel. Inadvertently, they bring aboard a stowaway, an unseen entity which has grown exponentially in a very short time, and is trying desperately to escape from Cargo Hold 4.

The ungodly howling, hammering and screeching coming from the hold on Gretel becomes unbearable, affecting the crew’s sleep and work cycles, and threatens the integrity of the ship itself. Captain Desna knows they must take action to survive, but is unsure how to get the alien life form off the ship. To learn more about the disruptive organism, she decides to execute a dangerous spacewalk. However, she is the only one small enough to enter the exterior purge vent leading into Cargo Hold 4.

Battling her cumbersome spacesuit within the claustrophobic vent tube, and running low on oxygen, Desna finally manages to edge herself close enough to the small intake opening to glimpse their unwelcome visitor … and can’t get her mind to accept what her eyes are seeing.

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Cargo Hold 4

Cargo Hold 4 by Lonnie Busch

Reviewed by Douglas R. Cobb

Cargo Hold 4 is a Science Fiction/Horror novel by Lonnie Busch that takes the old trope of a stowaway aboard your spaceship to a different level. Perhaps the most famous example of having a stowaway aboard one’s spaceship in a Science Fiction movie is Alien. In literature and in movies, the trope of having a stowaway aboard a ship or even a train is a time-honored one.  As with using any trope, it’s what an author does within the framework of one that attracts and holds the attention of the reader or fails to so. If you are a fan of the Science Fiction genre, I’d highly recommend that you check out Cargo Hold 4, a book that plays within the framework and also one that held my attention from the very beginning to the end.  Purchase Here.

I don’t want to mention many spoilers, but it’s not a very big one to say that there’s a stowaway aboard the Gretel, the spaceship of interest in Cargo Hold 4. The woman commanding the Gretel is Captain Desna and Berlin is the spaceship’s First Mate. One twist here is that the rather noisy and troublesome stowaway is somehow not an organic being. According to the book’s very first paragraph:

“Everything they’d discovered on Planet J–S was stored in Cargo Hold 4, but none of it was organic, according to their scanners.”

I won’t give away how Busch deals with this issue. My desire to read how this could happen was one of the things that made me want to keep on reading, so I don’t want to ruin anybody else’s pleasure. Suffice it to say that Busch’s solution to this apparent problem of a nonorganic stowaway aboard the Gretel was a pretty cool one.

One of the other problems Captain Desna and her crew is confronted with is the ethical one of deciding exactly what should be done about the irksome stowaway.  Two of the other things making life difficult for Desna, Berlin, and everyone else aboard the Gretel include the necessity of their handling an unplanned spacewalk and also how they should attempt to dislodge the unwelcome alien that had stowed away in Cargo Hold 4.

I asked myself as I read Cargo Hold 4 questions like: “is the book’s plot fast-paced?” “Are the complications that Captain Desna and her crew have to deal with dealt with in a realistic way?” and “Does Cargo Hold 4 have a plot that holds my interest and keeps me want to keep on reading it?”

I’m glad I read Cargo Hold 4. Besides being a captivating, page-turning Sci-Fi/Horror thriller, I liked reading the book for the added reason of discovering how the book’s author, Lonnie Busch, came up with inventive ways to play within the confines of the stowaway trope. I highly recommend Cargo Hold 4 for anyone who enjoys reading intelligent, fast-paced examples of the Sci-Fi/ Horror genre. Check it out today!



Project Ubermensch

Project Unbermensch…A Brief Synopsis

Modern-day messiah or military experiment gone awry—either way, Geoffrey Cannon, a young inspirational guru, has mad metaphysical skills… and big troubles.

In 1943, unsuspecting sailors on the USS Eldridge are subjects of a U.S. Navy experiment. Sailors die, others are maimed, including Third mate Peter Smithwick whose amputated legs are restored through advanced extraterrestrial technology. Leaving the Navy, and fleeing his hometown, he escapes his dubious rescuers to go on the lam under a new name.

2024, in the tranquil mountain town of Kleary Creek, religious handyman, and all-around nice-guy, Orvin Littney meets his new neighbor, the mysterious and charismatic Geoffrey Cannon. While walking together one morning, Orvin experiences a heart attack, and is in the throes of death when Geoffrey miraculously saves his life. Miracles such as these, Orvin soon learns, account for Geoffrey’s cult-like following in the mystical, self-help community.

But Geoffrey’s life as a spiritual healer takes a dark turn when devotees are inexplicably murdered under grisly circumstances—all young women he’d had brief affairs with. Hikers and residents turn up dead, while rumors of a monstrous creature in the woods around Kleary Creek circulate, whispers of Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti. With events growing ever more ominous, Orvin comes to believe his “savior” friend, Geoffrey, is somehow at the center of it all

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Project Ubermensch

Project Übermensch

Reviewed by Reyan Mishra

Even the bibliophiles with the highest book-count would agree the most satisfying books are the ones that leave you wanting more. The thriller in question belongs to that very club. “Project Übermensch” is an intriguing sci-fi thriller that’s stitched on an intricate web of ambitions, deception, terror, and resilience.  Purchase Here.

In 1943, experiments carried out by the U.S. Navy rendered the USS Eldridge deadly. Sailors are losing lives, and a lot that’s happening around seems inexplicable. Following a frightening accident, Third Officer Peter Smithwick deserts the army to live elsewhere under a new name.

In 2024, over seven decades later, in the picturesque town of Kleary Creek, a mysterious, spiritual man by the name of Geoffrey Cannon enjoys a cult-like following. He is a healer who according to his devotees has been blessed with divine powers, Geoffrey magically saves the life of his neighbor, Orvin Littney who suffered a massive heart attack.

However, Geoffrey’s spotless mystical image doesn’t last long as Kleary Creek residents including his devotees start turning up dead – each murdered in a gruesome manner. A number of theories emerge to explain the murders, however, Orvin believes Geoffrey might have a role to play in all that’s happening. But what’s the reality? Is Geoffrey really the puppeteer of death or is he himself a victim of some deadly force that’s beyond his understanding?

The matter-of-the-fact way Busch constructs this fiction sparks a sense of vigilance in readers. You are going to want to be on your toes even days after finishing the book. Additionally, the tale introduces you to a complex set of characters – and the character development that you witness throughout the story is truly incredible. You can’t guess the true motives of some of the characters until the end.

What’s more, the author very beautifully emphasizes both the actions and the emotions. That’s interesting to see as thrillers generally lay focus merely on the incidents instead of the emotions stirred by those incidents. Thanks to Busch’s fabulous craftwork with words, you become a part of the story as you begin imagining yourself in the shoes of the characters.

If you are on the lookout for a satisfying sci-fi thriller that keeps you on the edge of your reading chair, “Project Übermensch” is a book you must not miss. With deep characters, terrifying events, and an untrustworthy setting, the book creates the perfect hair-raising atmosphere for the readers. All in all, you are in for an intriguing read that you can’t help discussing with your amigos.


all hope of becoming human

All Hope of Becoming Human…A Brief Synopsis

The world is about to change in unimaginable ways…

Earthquakes rock the planet, revealing massive metallic objects and vast subterranean graveyards. One such location is in the Arizona desert. Scientists believe this incredible discovery may hold answers to the origins of man, but when the site is suddenly shut down due to seismic activity, one researcher knows she must return. Assistant archaeologist Rebecca Duccati sneaks into the compound alone, and will have to dig deep to find clues in these strange underground caves and tunnels. The work is dangerous and frightening, but she feels a connection to this bizarre phenomenon that even she isn’t fully aware of yet.

FBI Special Agent Demzey knows nothing about archaeology; his specialty— anomalous crimes, the fringe edge of the aberrant and the unknown. Demzey is investigating a recent rash of vicious and brutal murders, the clues surrounding the killings both disturbing and inexplicable. He and his assistant Connie Wegman catch a break when they discover remains of two monstrous creatures unknown to science, believed to be a race of aliens responsible for attacks on humans across the globe.

With the death toll ticking ever higher, scientists and intelligence agencies on every continent search for the source of these vicious creatures, until the combined efforts of Duccati and Demzey begin to unravel the mystery, though what they uncover could spell the end for the human race.

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All Hope of Becoming Human

All Hope of Becoming Human by Lonnie Busch

Book Reviewed by Rahul Gaur

When Ben Jonson first came up with the saying “Curiosity killed the cat,” he probably didn’t imagine that it would continue to be used to describe humans for a long time. We’ve seen this idea in many movies, books, and this story is no different. But what makes it interesting is how he presents this theme in a captivating way.  Purchase Here.

The opening chapter sets a chilling tone as Officer Reggie’s peaceful surroundings clash with the horrifying reality he uncovers. The vivid descriptions and palpable tension create a sense of unease that permeates the entire story. I must say that the opening chapter serves as a fantastic hook for the reader, just like an exciting thriller movie.

As the plot progresses, we are introduced to a diverse cast of characters, each with their motivations and struggles. From Professor Braden’s archaeological expedition to Karen and Lizzy’s fight for survival, the chapters seamlessly intertwine, propelling the narrative forward while leaving breadcrumbs of intrigue along the way. The characters are well-developed. I felt like I got to know them and understand their motivations. The characters’ individual experiences, struggles, and encounters with the extraordinary events happening around them add depth and complexity to the narrative. Each character brings their perspectives, motivations, and reactions, shaping the overall dynamics of the story.

One thing that deserves attention is the pacing of the story. In some places, it felt like the story was moving too quickly, and I didn’t have enough time to get to know the characters or understand what was happening. Some part of the story felt like it was dragging on, and I was eager to get to the next part. However, the plot effectively grabs hold of the reader, generating a sense of intrigue and leaving them excited to uncover the unfolding narrative.

The author skillfully blends elements of horror, suspense, and the supernatural, crafting a gripping tale that defies traditional genre boundaries. The characters and their world are in a state of constant dissonance, which mirrors the unease that permeates the story. It is a testament to the author’s storytelling prowess that even in the most dreamlike moments, a sense of realism summons the reader into the story.

This story stands out by compelling readers to contemplate the duality of humanity and the decisions we make when confronted with extraordinary situations. Given that people continue to live as they do now, the events depicted in this book may come true one day. Some may call my perspective pessimistic, but I see pervasive chaos all around, which makes me wonder when we will develop the ability to coexist harmoniously with nature. What price must we pay to rediscover our humanity? Is there any hope for our collective return to a more humane state, or have we lost that opportunity entirely? The answer lies in the latter portion of the idiom, “but satisfaction brought it back.”

View the Trailer for All Hope of Becoming Human

All Hope of Becoming Human_26 second trailer from Lonnie Busch on Vimeo.