Author Bio: Wallace Martin

Wallace Martin

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Raised on a dirt road in a small town in north Georgia in the 50s and 60s. Grew up mostly barefoot  outdoors with horses , dogs, and an array of animals.
Seven siblings.
Son of the town physician/ surgeon who was a WWII survivor -damaged, but tough . Sometimes childlike jokester. 
Father , “Doc”, carried a 38 snubnose special and the maid who helped raise us carried her own pearl handle pistol. Both on occasion made use of them.
Attended small New England college, Amherst College.  Majored in English . Honors thesis on works of Flannery O’Connor, a native of Georgia who clearly influenced my writing.
Attended Emory University for medical degree and surgery residency . Practiced General/ Thoracic surgery in home town for almost 40 years. 
The Goatman is my debut novel written after I retired, but is influenced by events of my youth. Many of the tales are fact. Many are fiction.
My editor/ producer, Rich Krevolin, has written a one man stageplay, Goatman, which was recently performed in New Haven in front of a small audience evoking a lively reception . (Rich has directed off broadway). Anticipate a full stageplay & screenplay in the near future.

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