Author Bio: Freddie Owens

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Books on the left are by Freddie Owens. Click on the book cover to purchase.
Freddie Owens is a poet and fiction writer whose work has been published in Poet Lore, Crystal Clear and Cloudy, and Flying Colors Anthology. The author is a past attendee of Pikes Peak Writer’s Conferences and the Association of Writers and Writing Programs, and is a current member of Lighthouse Writer’s Workshop in Denver, Colorado.
As a Licensed Professional Counselor and Psychotherapist, he for many years counseled perpetrators of domestic violence and sex offenders and provided therapies for individuals and families. He holds a master’s degree in contemplative psychotherapy from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado.
Born in Kentucky and raised in Detroit, Owens drew inspiration for his first novel, Then Like The Blind Man: Orbie’s Story from childhood experiences growing up around Harlan’s Crossroads, Kentucky. His life-long studies of Tibetan Buddhism and Vedanta not to mention his encounters with Native American Shamanism are also of note in this regard.
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