The Umbrella Maker's Son

The Umbrella Maker’s Son by Tod Lending

Reviewed by Nancy Eaton

The Umbrella Maker’s Son is a painful story about Reuven, a Polish Jew, and his family. Reuven worked in his father’s umbrella shop. He was very much in love with Zelda. Life seemed good until one day it all changed. Poland was invaded by the Nazis, and it did not take long for them to take over Krakow where Reuven and his family lived. Zelda and her family left Krakow to stay with relatives. Each day, everything got worse. The Nazis took over the umbrella shop and demanded that Reuven and his father do manual labor by helping to rebuild the railroad tracks. Reuven, at times, looked at his father’s reactions to the Nazis as weakness. As time passed, he changed his mind and knew it was really strength. Purchase Here.

Reuven’s father committed a crime, and he knew his family must leave before the Nazis find out what he did. Their dangerous journey begins as they try to flee.

Reuven ends up working for a farmer. The farmer is happy to have him helping with the farm; however, for the farmer’s wife it is a different story.  Reuven must make another decision.

What is really amazing is Reuven’s determination to find Zelda.

Will Reuven find Zelda? Will they all survive?

I loved this author’s writing style. His descriptive writing is magical and filled with so much clarity and detail when describing someone or something. It is obvious the author did a great deal of research to write this book.

This story will fill you with many emotions. We have all read many true stories about the attack of the Nazis and how the Polish Jews suffered. Even though this story is fiction, the terrible atrocities about what happened to the Jews during WWII are portrayed in a superb manner.  If I had to sum up this story about Reuven’s family in one word, it would come down to “resilience”. The Umbrella Maker’s Son is not only a story about the terrible things that happened to the Polish Jews, but it is also a love story.

This book is filled with memorable characters who each play an important role. One other thing…be sure to have some tissues by your side as you read this book because many parts of the book will bring tears to your eyes.

The Umbrella Maker’s Son is a fascinating and memorable read!


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