Odd Dog Out

Odd Dog Out by Rob Biddulph

Reviewed by Nancy Eaton

What does it mean to be different?

Odd Dog Out is a story about a dog that is different and does not fit in. No matter what, this dog just stands out from all the other dogs.  Purchase Here.

Tired of trying to fit in, Odd Dog decides it is time to leave and go to another town. After walking through many seasons and climbing mountains, she walks till she can walk no more. Did she finally find the place she was looking for? She found Doggywood. Much to her amazement, she found hundreds of other dogs just like her.   They also rode a bike and played guitars. Oh no! She spotted one dog behaving differently. Odd Dog told her new friend that she feels for her.   Odd Dog was really surprised when her new friend said “You’ve got it wrong. I really feel like I belong”. She explained that she loves to stand out in a crowd and told Odd Dog that she should stand tall and be proud.

Odd Dog now realized that her new friend was right. She is now convinced that nothing is wrong with being different and just being “me”.

Odd Dog began her journey home with a new attitude. All of her friends were do happy to see her return. They were cheering and clapping.   They told her how much she was missed and that being different is really great. Odd Dog now noticed other dogs behaving differently. Everyone has a right to be a star!

I love to review children’s books. These books all have a message, and the one emphasized here is BE WHO YOU ARE!   Everyone, even if they are different, has something special to offer and there is nothing wrong about standing out in a crowd!

Odd Dog Out is recommended for ages 4-8 and is a wonderful picture book for parents to read to their children. This book is written and beautifully illustrated by Rob Biddulph.  The illustrations are colorful and attention grabbing!


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